Back & Hip Stability – Exercising while Standing

Exercising while Standing:

This section demonstrates how to engage your stability muscles (in standing) to improve your posture. Be sure not to simply watch as Francine teaches, but do the exercises with her…You will notice the engagement of your stability muscles and feel how you can correct your posture easily and immediately with minimal effort!

Duration: 03.06 mins

Physiotherapy Coaching Academy Australia (PCAA)

Aims and Vision

1. To offer new physiotherapy graduates accelerated upskilling workshops (downloads and DVDs) to permit them to bridge the gap between what has been learnt in their undergraduate or post graduate training, and what is required by their clients in clinical practice.

2. To offer Advanced Practitioners and Practice Owners business, marketing and leadership mentoring sessions to learn new ideas they can implement immediately; as well as build a network for practitioners to share clinical ideas to enable them to offer the highest calibre of service and expertise possible in private practice.

3. To offer workshops and downloads for Pilates Instructors and Exercise Science Graduates who have a common interest with Physiotherapists and mutual passion for teaching exercise to assist their clients.

Francine St George



React both to the successes and failures of your current practice. Keep an open mind to both evidence-based practice & empirical data which may not yet have been researched.


Review your clinical decision making processes and assess their respective outcomes to see if you are making the difference you want.


Research the current literature and explore with world of continuing professional development. Consider what others may be doing.


Rethink your treatment approach to see if you can better yourself. Then start it all over again.