Latest Additions

  • Assessing For Forefoot Varus

    Assessing For Forefoot Varus

    A constant structural inversion of the forefoot with respect to a bisection of the posterior of the calcaneus when the subtalar joint is in neutral position. This is an inverted position of the forefoot relative to the rearfoot at the level of the midtarsal joint. It is due to inadequate frontal plane torsion occurring during normal development of the foot. Upon weight-bearing, calcaneal eversion is required to fully compensate this deformity.

  • Assessing For Forefoot Valgus

    Assessing For Forefoot Valgus

    A constant structural eversion of the forefoot. This is a structural or positional deformity that is most common in the forefoot. This is an everted position of the forefoot relative to the rearfoot at the level of the midtarsal joint. Inversion of the lateral column of the foot must occur to allow the forefoot to propel the supporting surface during the midstance and propulsive phases of gait.

  • Assessment of Plantarflexed First Ray

    Assessment of Plantarflexed First Ray

    A first metatarsal bone is one whose neutral position is below the level of the lesser metatarsals, but can be moved back to or above that level by some force applied to its plantar aspect. Off weight-bearing examination produces the appearance of forefoot valgus. This type of foot functions like a subtalar varus or forefoot varus type deformity as the compensation takes place by dorsiflexing the 1st ray with subtalar joint pronation.

  • Ist Ray cutaway and the plantar flexed 1st metatarsal

    Ist Ray cutaway and the plantar flexed 1st metatarsal

    A simple orthotic adjustment to accommodate for a plantar flexed 1st metatarsal that is either fixed or mobile. This is especially useful when treating this condition and to allieviate issues with sesamoiditis once you have made the proper assessment.

  • Assessment of Dorsiflexed First Ray

    Assessment of Dorsiflexed First Ray

    Assessment of Dorsiflexed First Ray. You should also watch the video on assessment of a plantarflexed first ray to gain a better understanding on this biomechanical consideration.

  • Forefoot Additions with ICB Orthotics

    Forefoot Additions with ICB Orthotics

    Forefoot Additions with ICB Orthotics



React both to the successes and failures of your current practice. Keep an open mind to both evidence-based practice & empirical data which may not yet have been researched.


Review your clinical decision making processes and assess their respective outcomes to see if you are making the difference you want.


Research the current literature and explore with world of continuing professional development. Consider what others may be doing.


Rethink your treatment approach to see if you can better yourself. Then start it all over again.